Upcoming tax vote

The City of Oklahoma City has a plan to make a difference. On September 12th, every voter in Oklahoma City should vote in the Better Streets, Safer City special election. The City’s goal is to improve its streets and hire the police officers and firefighters our community needs. For those not already registered, eligible Oklahoma City residents have until Aug. 18 to register to vote on the Better Streets, Safer City special election on Sept. 12. For more information on the…for ballot issues see the link attached.

General obligation bond packageThe 10-year, $967 million bond package would invest in streets, police and fire facilities, parks and other basic needs. It would succeed the 2007 bond program, which is almost complete.

Permanent 1/4 cent sales taxThis measure would help hire 129 more police officers and 57 more firefighters with an annual $26 million boost for public safety and other day-to-day operations. It would be the first increase in the permanent general operations sales tax rate since 1976.

Temporary penny sales tax extensionA temporary, 27-month continuation of the expiring MAPS 3 penny sales tax would generate $240 million for street resurfacing, streetscapes, trails, sidewalks and bicycle infrastructure